80s music · Duran Duran · Friends · Life long friends · Music

Duran Duran

Future Past Tour Footprint Center Phoenix AZ

Early in 2022, I found out that Duran Duran, my favorite band of all time, would be having a show in Phoenix. I was so excited I posted on Facebook, asking who wanted to go with me. I didn’t expect my lifelong bestie, who lives on the other side of the country, to say she wanted to go and would fly out. I was so excited! We hadn’t seen each other in so long. So I paid $35 to join the fan club for a year, so I could get in on the members-only ticket presale. A week later I have tickets to see Duran Duran.

It was a long 6 months between buying the tickets and picking my girl up at the airport. I left my town, 3 hours from Phoenix, with enough time to make a side trip to my favorite bookstore. Or so I thought. When I got to Bookman’s I sent my mom a text and told her I’d arrived safely. She asked if I had checked on my friend’s flight, I should have had about an hour to kill. SHOULD HAVE, Nope, her flight was landing! So I ran out of the store and hurried to the airport. I sat for maybe 10 minutes. I sent her a text and said to text me when she got out of baggage claim. She sent me a text right back. Holy cow! So around and around I went.

The concert was amazing. We had so much fun that whole week.

One of the most amazing moments was when they sang Ordinary World and dedicated it to Ukraine. I won’t ever listen to that song the same again. The jumbotron screen during the song.

and here we are. Friends since we were 14

Arizona · Bugs · Monsoon Season · Work

Stink Bug Annihilation

My plan to rid the world of the disgusting bugs is going well. I have annihilated at least 10 this morning. Adding to the several dozen I have conquered earlier this week. As I sit here I can hear one. Soon it will die. 

This mission comes at a cost though. My weapon of mass destruction, my can of raid, is getting low and I fear it may run out on me. I must add another can to my arsenal. 

*Originally posted on my Dreamwidth journal site in Sept 2021*

book · digital art · Vanessa Kelley

Vanessa Kelley Art

Post 1

Vanessa Kelley is my favorite digital artist. She takes the characters if books, with the support of the book authors, and brings them to life absolutely perfectly. I decided, with her permission, to do posts featuring her art with the books they represent. All of the prints I feature have been bought from her Etsy shop or were part of the book’s preorder give away.

Winter’s Orbit

Book by Everina Maxwell

This gorgeous print features Prince Kiem and his partner Count Jainan

You can follow Vanessa on Instagram


Her Etsy shop

Memorial Day · US Army · US Navy

Memorial Weekend

In honor of Memorial Day

None of these men died in combat (I’ve been criticized in the past for posting about them on Memorial Weekend) but I post about them because I am proud of the men in my family who served. I am proud of all who have served in our armed forces. ALL branches (I’ve been told I hate a particular branch, I don’t)

My grandpa. WW2 era. US Navy

My dad. US Navy. Vietnam vet who served on the USS Excel MSO-439

Not pictured

My stepdad. US Army. Korea military conflict veteran.

My uncle. US Navy. Vietnam vet who was poisoned by Agent Orange.

My godfather. US Navy Vietnam.

I am abundantly proud of all these men and all men and women who volunteered to serve and protect our country.

Memorial Day isn’t about campouts and BBQs, It’s about honoring those who made the ultimate sacrifice and never came home.



Welcome to May!

A new month. A new opportunity to get better. To do better.

I’ve been considering having the bone spur on my foot removed. The pain seems to be constant now. Especially first thing in the morning. The drawback is that I have way too much going on this year to be off my feet for several weeks. I have a concert to go to with my life long bestie. I will NOT pass on that. Especially since I already bought the tickets and she bough her plane ticket lol. Armageddon would have to happen for me to miss this visit. Then there’s the next plane trip so see my family. My cousin almost died last year and lost part of his leg. Not going to miss that trip either. Once again…back to the armageddon thing. So…Maybe after the first of the year I will make an appointment with my podiatrist.

This is what I’m dealing with. *not my x-ray*

Have a fabulous Monday